Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Why I became a photographer

This is my very first blog post so perhaps I should start at the very beginning.

Why I became a photographer.

Ok so as most of you know I'm 18 and on several occasions I have been asked why (considering my age) I have decided to start up a business as a photographer? Well for most of my life I have been extremely passionate about photography. As a youngster I was always running off with my Samsung NV3 taking thousands of photos of North Wales. You see I have always been very artistic- painting and creating things out of nothing. But I had a techie side to me as well. I was always playing with appliances around the house, trying to improve things by adding different wires and such. So what could be more perfect for a techie minded creative than photography?

So it all officially started one day in college when we took a trip to Erddig N.T. for research to take photos and notes. I couldn’t help but notice that some of the other students around me had professional camera’s. Hmmm - But their images weren't particularly very good….. even though some of them were taking photography classes! Got me thinking. At the time I had a Olympus S2-20 ( which is a lovely little camera but didn't take professional standard images) yet my pictures were so much better with great depth of field and colour vibrancy.

Got me thinking even more! I guess it just shows that it doesn't matter if you have all the kit and editing equipment, ….if you don't have the creative eye your images won’t have any soul.

So after the great reviews from my Erddig images something sparked in my mind. Perhaps I should be a photographer? Perhaps that's what I'm meant to be? And so started the beginning of my photography career - working alongside companies like Motor Safari, producing great images that would bring back memories of past events.

The feedback has been outstanding and I am loving meeting so many different people.

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